What To Look For When Hiring An Accountant
July 3, 2018
According to our many identified personality types, it’s more often left brain people who have a propensity for numbers, but it’s the so-called right brain people who tend to be more entrepreneurial. Unless you are fortunate enough to sit in the centre of the personality wheel and have abilities with both numbers and creative ideas, you are going to need an accountant sooner rather than later. -
Keep On Track With Employee Training
July 3, 2018
Small businesses and startups typically work under enormous financial strain, and are constantly forced to examine their budgets to keep their operations lean and afloat. In many cases, business owners interpret that to mean relying on inexpensive low-skill labour, and requiring workers to “learn on the job”. -
Instead of Goals or Resolutions, Try Creating Rules
July 3, 2018
Creating goals or resolutions is hardwired into us, because we can’t stop making them. Unfortunately, we’re not as equipped for making the goals come true, and the pattern most of us see is that we start a goal with optimism, only to be disappointed when we haven’t done much after the first week or so. Try creating rules that will make your goals happen. -
Dealing with the ‘Dark World’ of IRD audit
June 1, 2018
“How did I get selected for IRD audit?” That would make for an interesting reality TV episode. I can picture it now… an uncomfortably squirming taxpayer in a meeting with IRD wondering what’s going to happen next. Then, in a cinematic flashback to two years previous, the pondering business owner considers whether to claim a tax deduction for an item of expense. So what really does happen in the Dark World of IRD audit? -
The Short Guide to Launching Big Ideas in Your Business!
June 1, 2018
In an ever-changing world, businesses are forced to innovate to stay afloat. But where do those ideas for innovation come from?
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Brett Forsyth, Managing Director at GymGuru
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