Helping you lift team performance.
Recently, one of our clients has seen significant growth in their business from the institution of a carefully conceived employee incentive scheme. Sales growth and productivity have increased at phenomenal rates without the compromise of quality enabling the owners to focus more on the development of opportunities.
As a by-product the value of the business has skyrocketed by answering the most important issue in Mergers & Acquisitions—culture. Get this right and so much of what owners spend their time on takes care of itself.
Too often however we see business owners intent on rewarding and motivating their team prematurely give away shares in the company...simply because they aren’t aware that there are alternatives.
Over the years, we've undertaken a number of assignments to help clients develop an incentive scheme for key personnel that sets a pathway from salary to shareholder. These use steps that both incentivise improved performance and allow time for the key person to prove that they are a good “fit” to be a shareholder with you.
Watch our for our next presentation, at which you'll hear;
- 4 options for incentive remuneration,
- the PBC story on what they did, and how it transformed their business, and
- how you can do the same.